Travel Tips

Know the difference between “direct” and “nonstop” flights, and always opt for the latter. Unlike nonstops, direct flights can touch down at other airports on the way to their ultimate destinations.  And while stops are built in to the total travel time, the potential delays they can cause aren’t.

Make sure you buy your ticket under the exact name that appears on your Passport It might seem obvious to you that Dick is a nickname for Richard, but it may not to a checkin assistant, a desk agent, or a security officer...any of whom could ask you to show ID with that name before boarding.

 Select your seats as soon as possible. If you have a disability and need a premium seat at the front, tell the assistant when you make your reservation rather than at the airport.  Other passengers might be able to take those seats 24 hours before the flight, when they’re made available to everyone through the airline’s website.

 Get to your gate as early as you can.
Delays stack up as the day progresses, it’s a good idea to book the first flight you can.